A huge “Thank You!” to all of our generous supporters!
Organization Supporters

City of Austin: Cultural Arts Division
This project is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin’s future. Visit Austin at NowPlayingAustin.com

Preservation Austin
Preservation Austin promotes our city’s diverse cultural heritage through the preservation of historic places. Our nonprofit has been Austin’s leading voice for preservation since 1953, with educational programming and advocacy that engage our community in “Saving the Good Stuff.”

Shield-Ayres Foundation
Creekmore and Adele Fath Foundation

Save Our Springs Alliance
The Save Our Springs Alliance works to protect the Edwards Aquifer, its springs and contributing streams, and the natural and cultural heritage of the Hill Country region and its watersheds, with special emphasis on Barton Springs.

Friends of Barton Springs Pool
Creates a community of people dedicated to restoring, improving and maintaining the pool and surrounding grounds through organizing, advocacy, volunteer work, education and fun.

Save Barton Creek Association
Since 1979, the Save Barton Creek Association has worked to preserve our natural heritage through our public education, advocacy, and conservation programs.

Texas Commission on the Arts

Austin Community Foundation
We believe Austin belongs to all of us and everyone deserves opportunity. As our region balances on an inflection point of growth and change, we are focusing our work and leadership on closing the opportunity gap through research, pooled resources and data-driven grantmaking.

Humanities Texas
This program is made possible in part by a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Mary and Thomas Grasselli Foundation
In-Kind Supporters

Austin Eco-Network
Be informed, engaged and connected to Austin’s growing EcoCommunity. Publisher of the Austin EcoNews – a twice-weekly digest of what’s happening in the local green scene, including green news, events, jobs, volunteer opportunities, and more. Subscribe for free at AustinEcoNetwork.com.

Texas Archive of the Moving Image
A non-profit organization dedicated to discovering, preserving, making accessible, and educating the community about Texas’ moving image heritage. www.texasarchive.org

Omid Aski Laridjani
Natural Springs open the eyes of the land for us to connect to. The healthier the land, the healthier our reflections. Barton Springs is a university of patterns. Omid Aski Laridjani has spent over 15 years paying attention to these patterns, and using them self express with art, music, and pottery. His website has his art on clothes inspired by Barton Springs. https://bartonsprings.net/ is where you can find his beautiful work.

Remember in Austin, TX. when...
Remember in Austin, TX. when…
A group dedicated to the history of times past, living in the beautiful City of Austin, TX
A memory for everyone.
Individual Supporters
$1000 +
- Louis Black
- Lorenzo De Paolis
- Laurie Humphries
- Peggy O’Shaughnessy
- Cynthia Schade
- Philip Schatz
- Kate and Patrick Starley
- Ira Yates
- Elizabeth Avellan
- Elizabeth Bamber
- Carter Blackburn
- Heather Deiderick
- Jane Hilfer
- Meta Hunt
- Ann Johnston Dolce
- Joan and Don Kocher
- Richard Linklater
- Lori McClure
- Ann Phipps and Mike Cannatti
- Paul Stekler
- Bill Storey
- Jane Schatz and Tim Vaughan
- Michael Adair
- Steve Barnick
- Lonnie Cooper
- Juliet Dervin
- Genny Duncan
- Bill Gammon
- Sharon Itaya
- Barbara Knaggs
- Jordan Levin
- Polly Martin Cooper
- Deborah Polan
- Alec Rhodes
- Richey Rogers
- Ann Schatz
- Dan Schatz
- Tom Schatz
- Andrew & Melissa Shea
- Samantha Stevens
- Jack Taylor
- Donna Tiemann
- William and Jane Tullis
- Sandra and Dwight Adair
- Kate and David Adams
- Phoebe Allen
- Joe Anderson
- Rich Armington
- Louis Rene’ Barrera
- Julie and Mike Baselice
- Jon Beall
- Jonathan Beall
- David & Claire Bench
- Anita Biasi
- Karen Hoffman Blizzard
- Keefe Boerner
- Pat Brodnax
- Lorin Bryce
- Bill Bunch
- Rebecca Carpenter
- Mary Cartwright
- Marian Casey
- Wenhong Chen
- Robinson Cocke
- George Cofer
- Robert Corbin
- Mary Celeste Cromak
- Paolo De Paolis
- Patrick Dentler
- Susan Dirks
- Deda Divine
- Jeff Dolce
- Andrew Dominguez
- Genevieve L Duncan
- Amber Elenz
- Andrew Kaapke Fish
- Hugh Forrest
- Lisa Fox
- Caroline Frick
- Dan Galewsky
- Andrew Garrison
- David Goldman
- Lisa and Mike Green
- Robin Greenley
- Wendy Griessen
- Sandra Guardado
- Gordon Hamilton
- Clark Hancock
- Stephen and Sue Ellen Harrigan
- Sam Hurt
- Dee Jackson
- Steve Jennings
- Jessica Jones
- Dick Kallerman
- Lisa Kaselek
- Joe Kendall
- Brian King
- Susan Kirr
- Nancy Kocher
- Larry Koenig
- Richard Lewis
- Emily Little
- Sara Marler
- Ken Martin
- Jeshua Mauldin
- Susan McCleland
- Jenna McEachern
- Michelle Mower
- Horace and Sara Newcomb
- Steve Ogden
- Carolyn Pfeiffer
- Susan Plettman Rankin
- Charles Ramirez-Berg
- Peach Reynolds
- Tassos Rigopoulos
- Mary Rohlich
- PJ Rojas
- Margaret Russell
- Randall Sarosdy
- Gregory Schatz
- KB Schatz
- Robert Schmidt
- Judy and Seth Searcy
- Sarah Searcy
- Brigid Shea
- Lois Sheffield
- Ted Siff
- Patricia Sinnott
- Larry & Celeste Smithers
- Cindy Sperry
- Ellen Spiro
- Laura Stein
- Ben Steinbauer
- Lauren Stevenson Yacina
- Kay Stocke
- Sharon Strover
- Dan Stuyck
- Frances and Robin Thompson
- Bonnie and Terry Tull
- Patricia Tyler
- Roy Waley
- Ralph Webster
- Cynthia Wilcox
- Karin Wilkins
- Charles Zeller
up to $99
- Motive Boards
- Steve Akers
- Lee Allbright
- Amy Allen
- Austin Reedy and Sarah Fella
- Heidi Armstrong
- Brandie Baker
- Sandy Barbari
- Kyle Barnett
- Ben Bays
- K. Diane Bell
- Lisa Belli
- Gio Bellonci
- Mary Beltran
- Amy Bench
- Kelli Berezin
- Karen Bernstein
- Mark Bernstein
- Olivia Biehle
- Mike Blizzard
- Robin Bradford
- Ray Brimble
- Lyren Brown
- Jennifer Brundidge
- Claudia Burnett
- Annie Bush
- Jim Butler
- John & Linda Butler
- Rebecca Campbell
- Kat Candler
- Shirley Carey
- Dow and Sue Chapman
- Eve Chenu
- Lisa and Randy Christian
- Diana Claitor
- Colin Clark
- Fran Clark
- Brandi Clark Burton
- Mike Clark Madison
- Jeff Cohen
- Paul Collins
- Barbara Concannon
- Julie Conquest
- Cindy Cook
- Judith Cook Birdsong
- Jason Cortlund
- Heather Courtney
- James Cousar
- Peter Craig
- Pat Cramer
- Robin Cravey
- James Marshall Crotty
- Debra Danburg
- Kim Dean
- Amanda Dianne
- Juan Diaz
- Laura Dierenfield
- Laura Dixon
- Dejan Djukic
- Amanda Doan
- Jon Donaldson
- Michael Druk
- Hannah Dubbe
- Caylie Dunnam
- Rommel Eclarinal
- Owen and Jodi Egerton
- Kimberly Eitze
- Brian Elliot
- Barbara Ellis
- Mike Ewanciw
- Penelope Falk
- Richard Fawal
- Christine Felton
- John Fiege
- Megan Field
- Tracy Fielder
- Monica Flores
- Mireille Fornengo
- Marya Fowler
- Marshall Frech
- Joe Freeland
- Laura Furman
- J. Gabriel
- Andrew Garbus
- Jenn Garrison
- Dr. Mario Garza
- Carole Geffen
- Steve Gerson
- Catherine Gilbride
- Megan Gilbride
- Ed Gillen
- Jay Glauser
- Jessica Gordon
- Kris Haamer
- Tara Haelle
- Kevin Haley
- Tom Hallock
- Julia Halperin
- Rod Hart
- David Hartstein
- Hammond Hendrix
- Kyle Henry
- Chelsea Hernandez
- Chris Heuwetter
- Joshua Hilliard
- Julia Hix
- David Hixon
- Christopher Holland
- Julie Hooper
- Velanne Howle
- Fleetwood Jacobs
- Amy James-Kelly
- Valerie Jauma
- Mark Jensen
- Mary Jensen
- Chithra Jeyaram
- Lilli Johnson
- Charlie Kaough
- Karyn Kazimer
- Mary Kearney
- Jodie Keeling
- Nancy Kehoe
- Stuart Kelban
- Sharon M. Kellin
- Jette Kernion
- Cherie King
- Lauren Kinsler
- Graham Klobe
- Carly Kocurek
- Shuchi Kothari
- Sue Kothman
- Karen Kreps
- Ste. Kubenka
- Jonas Lamis
- Callie Langford
- Butch Lawson
- Jennifer Leduc
- Ann Leifeste
- Anne Lewis
- Deb Lewis
- Nicole Licea
- Afnan Linjawi
- Emma Long
- Julie and Chris Lucas
- Alison Macor
- David Madden
- Gordon Magilll
- Madhavi Mallapragada
- Joanne Mallett
- Jeffrey Marsh
- Geoff Marslett
- Susanne Mason
- Pam Maus
- Bill McAfee
- Phyllis McAnelly Barron
- The McLarty Family
- Jennifer Meadows
- Karen S Miller
- Steve Mims
- Berry Minott
- Paul Mitchell
- Hanna Morgan
- Pat Morgan
- Laura Morrison
- Christy Muse
- Michelle Nehme
- Elissa Nelson
- Laura Ohata
- Allison Olson
- Kendall Pace
- Jane Ann Parker
- Noelle Paulette
- Bruce Pennycook
- Alisa Perren
- Andrea Perry
- Cleo Petricek
- Karen Thomas Pfeiffer
- Betsy Pilkington
- Gema Pivatto
- Kay Platis
- Tillie Policastro
- Leslie Pool
- Anita Prewett
- Richard Price
- Stephen Ramirez
- PJ Raval
- Gabriel Richards
- Prentiss Riddle
- Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez
- Sara Robertson
- Maria F. Rocha
- Alex Rodriguez
- Monica Roesch
- April Rohlich
- Dino Sanacory
- Donna Sanders
- Cissy Sanders
- Andrea Sanger
- Sherre Scarborough
- Nick Schatz
- Noah Schatz
- Joyce Scheyhing
- Connie Schmidt
- Robin Schneider
- Brandon Scott
- Anlo Sepulveda
- Jasmine Sillers
- Leslie Sisson
- Karen Skloss
- Alex Smith
- Cappy Smith
- Monica Solomon
- Diana Spain
- Brian Spencer
- John Spottswood Moore
- Derek Springer
- Al St Louis
- Al the Polar Bear St. Louis
- Keeley Steenson
- Lucinda Stolzenburg
- Pam Stone
- Tinisha Stone
- David Sullivan
- Kimberly Suta
- Kevin Sweat
- Cate Sweeney
- Larry Tabash
- Rhonda Toming
- Paul Toprac
- Randeen Torvik Ragan
- Kedron Touvell
- Robert Travis
- Eliot Tretter
- DJ Ursal
- Jackie Vay
- Megan Viktorin
- Vicki Vlasic
- Trudie W
- Catharine Wall
- Matthew Wallis
- Eric Damon Walters
- Kevin Walters
- Martha Ward
- Margaret Weaver
- Mark Weiler
- Kerri Welch
- Noel Wells
- Elisabeth Welsh
- Dana Wills
- Keith Wilson
- Charlotte Marie Wood
- Max Woodfin
- Marko T Wramen
- Susan Youssef
- Sophia Yu
Help us continue this project by donating now.
To donate by check, make it out to Save Barton Creek Association and mail to:
Living Springs Project
12537 Sir Christophers Cove, Austin, Texas 78729